Ihre Suche nach "oesterhelt" ergab ca. 54 Treffer.

https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6523177/Proteome_Hasal_cytosolic Wolfertz, V. Hickmann, F. Pfeiffer, D. Oesterhelt Analysis of the cytosolic proteome of … F. Pfeiffer, F. Siedler, D. Oesterhelt The membrane proteome of Halobacterium salinarum …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6524190/Struct_ferritin_Hasal The first structure of an archaeal ferritin from the halophilic microorganism Halobacterium … S. Offermann, L. -O. Essen, D. Oesterhelt:Iron-oxo clusters biomineralizing on protein …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6522501/Org_Napha Natronomonas pharaonis was isolated from soda lakes where it has to cope with two extreme … M. Falb , F. Pfeiffer, P. Palm, K. Rodewald, V. Hickmann, J. Tittor, D. Oesterhelt
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/en/rg/moroder/publications_in_journals Moroder, L.; Musiol, H.-J.  Amino Acid Chalcogen Analogs as Tools in Peptide and Protein Chemistry … H.; Iwaoka, M. (2018) Characterization and optimization of two-chain folding …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6524803/Topic_phototaxis_Hasal Phototaxis in Halobacterium: A testcase for systems biology … Wolfgang Marwan, MPI for Dynamics of … Dieter Oesterhelt, MPI of Biochemistry, Dept. Membrane Biochemistry, Martinsried …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/en/rg/moroder/publications Moroder, L. (2019) Amino acid chalcogen analogs of peptides and proteins … Cadamuro, S. A.; Renner, C.; Oesterhelt, D.; Moroder, L. (2009) Homotrimeric collagen …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/321589/cv_moroder.pdf Detailled CV Microsoft Word 2019-02-01T09:07:45Z 2021-05-10T09:51:57+02:00 2021-05-10T09:51:57+02:00 moroder Detailed CV Birth: December 6, 1940, St. Ulrich, Italy Marital …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6523345/Proteome_Hasal_membrane F. Pfeiffer, F. Siedler, D. Oesterhelt The membrane proteome of Halobacterium salinarum … Wolfertz, V. Hickmann, F. Pfeiffer, D. Oesterhelt Analysis of the cytosolic proteome of …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6524000/Struct_dodecin_Hasal Crystal Structure of Halophilic Dodecin: A Novel, Dodecameric Flavin Binding Protein from Halobacterium salinarum … Archaea obtained their name from their natural habitat, which …
https://www.biochem.mpg.de/6522282/Org_Hqwal Fig.1A: Dark field microscopic image of Haloquadratum walsbyi … The square sheet is ca 40x40 … F. Pfeiffer, and D. Oesterhelt (Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany …

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